Saturday, December 10, 2011

"Holly Days Festival" at the Norman Bird Sanctuary

We checked out the festival here in Newport today. Abigail's favorite part was roasting marshmallows. Olivia's favorite part was running around (and around) the barn museum. Now we all smell like camp fire...but that's okay with us. :0)

Holly-Day Polar Express

The kids got to take a spin around the Norman Bird Sanctuary in a John Deere powered Holly-Day express!

Larry made a wreath!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Newport Frondescence

frondescence (fron-DES-uhns)

noun:1. Leafage; foliage.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Boston Children's Museum

Abigail, Olivia, Larry, Jane and I took a trip to the Boston Children's Museum...perfect for a cold and rainy day. They had a blast learning all about science, culture, environmental awareness, health and the arts. Although I've only been to a few children's museums, this was the best one so far.

While at the museum they checked out each of the exhibits. It was National Chemistry Week so the American Chemistry Society hosted a chemistry fair. They learned about, sugar content in foods, how soap works and how to use litmus paper to determine the Ph of chapstick...and Larry is a lifetime member of the society so he was a proud Dad watching his babies learn about chemistry. They thoroughly enjoyed each exhibit. Abigail loved organizing the animals and Olivia had a great time learning about shadows.

...more from the museum

The girls (ok...and Larry and I) played hard and had a lot of fun. On the way home we passed by the Occupy Boston site...needless to say they were a little cold...