Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My little speed racer sends her hugs and kisses!!

Sorry this video is sideways...

We are off to CT tomorrow to visit my brother and his family. I'll post some pictures of Ben, Grayce and Abigail as soon as I can. Abigail turns 9-months-old tomorrow ~ April 29, 2009!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Exploring Cabinets

Abigail took some time before church last week to explore the cabinets. She's saying the words dog, mama and dada frequently but I'm not sure if they're just noises or actual words. :0)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Lincoln Loves America too!

Lincoln got his teeth and ears cleaned and got FURMINATED today. Here he is sunning on his very own astro-turf. Needless to say, he's a happy dog.

Pups and babies

Gwen and Abigail take a rest from the Easter egg hunt to sit by their dogs...;)

More Easter Fun

We had Easter brunch and an egg hunt on Sunday. It was a blast. Abigail loved playing with her friends and as you can see above she was getting acquainted with her future friend Sierra Neitzke (she'll be born soon!!).

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Abigail has officially conquered the house!

We're very proud of Abigail and her newfound crawling abilities. She is now 8 months, weighs 16 pounds, has 2.5 teeth and has two weeks of crawling under her belt. As it turns out she likes baseballs...ohh look, a plant, lets go check that out. :)